Photo's of Grandpa Hofstetter
I remember the bottom photo because this is how I always saw Grandpa but on the top photo, I know one is Andy but is the other person Grandpa Hofstetter?
I remember the bottom photo because this is how I always saw Grandpa but on the top photo, I know one is Andy but is the other person Grandpa Hofstetter?
On the top picture, if it is around supper time, then that is Corny.
No, it is not Corny! It is Grandpa! I wish I had this picture to put into my quilt! I don't remember when he was this young, only like you said, Jim, in the livingroom in the chair. That is a good picture of both Andy and Grandpa.
Thank You Sister for Clarifying this photo on top. I will send you a copy via email. Maybe you can use it.
I got this photo (I think) from Charles.
This fall for our Al Thomas Reunion, brother Gene was hoping to get photo's like this together from all of us. I hope that we could do this for all to enjoy.
Hi! I keep checking to see if there is anything new. We are weeks away from Mindy's wedding. I have next week to hem her dress, make a cumberband for it & sew the buttons down the back. I have my dress almost ready too. Just a few more groceries to get for the reception, so all is going well. I haven't had time for much of anything else. Hopefully Charles and Marlene are recuping okay. Myprayers have been for them!! The reunion was well attended but not as many as some years. But good food, good fellowship too. Love, Lillian
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